When the COVID-19 restrictions were introduced earlier this year we were obliged to cancel some of our planned monthly talks, and we are so far unable to resume them in traditional form. We have, however, been able to record several talks without an audience and the first of these, Shipping and Globalisation in the Post-World War 2 Era by Professor Nick White, is now available in the members’ area of this website. Simply login with your username and password, and a new menu item ‘Video Presentations’ will become available under ‘Publications’ on the Main Menu.
Future talks will be released close to the dates on which they were originally intended to have been given, as listed in the Society’s calendar. For copyright reasons, the recordings have to be viewed through the website and can’t be downloaded and/or stored offline, but they will remain available indefinitely on the website.
Although this new facility has been introduced as a response to the lockdown environment, we intend to record all future talks (subject to the speaker’s agreement of course), so that they can be enjoyed by all our members.