Our Next Event:
The Jutland Controversy
Scott Lindgren
The Athenaeum, Liverpool.
Thursday 20 February 2025

Search Maritime History

Search Results for:

To search the Archives, enter the word(s) you want to find and click on the ‘search’ button.  This will return a list of editions containing your search word(s).  Depending on your search word(s), the list may extend over more than one page.  Click any one to read.

You can refine your search by excluding words using the command ‘NOT’ in upper case.  For example “Olympic Titanic” will return an extensive list of documents that mention either ship, while “Olympic NOT Titanic” will return a much shorter list of documents that mention the Olympic but do not mention the Titanic.

Once your chosen edition has appeared, you can search inside it by pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘F’ (Windows) or ‘Cmd’ and ‘F’ (Mac) and re-entering your search word in the dialog box that opens.

If searching does not produce the result you were hoping for, you can also use the manual index.  Once the index has appeared you can simply browse through it or search by pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘F’ (Windows) or ‘Cmd’ and ‘F’ (Mac) and entering your search term in the dialog box that opens.  Make a note of the results and use this to find the particular document you want to read from the Archives page.

Show Instructions
