Our Next Event:
The Jutland Controversy
Scott Lindgren
The Athenaeum, Liverpool.
Thursday 20 February 2025

Constitution of The Liverpool Maritime Society


 (May 2024) 

1          INTRODUCTION 

This is the Constitution of THE LIVERPOOL MARITIME SOCIETY, (“the Society”), (formerly The Liverpool Nautical Research Society). 


(1)               To preserve and promote interest in the history of shipping and other maritime matters through research using the resources of the Merseyside Maritime Museum Archives and Library and other appropriate organizations.

(2)               To undertake historical surveys of ships, their builders, owners, masters, crews, and other nautical technical matters, particularly of local interest.

(3)               To disseminate such information by publication in ‘The Bulletin’, web site and Society lecture presentations.

(4)               To assist in a practical way, projects of the Merseyside Maritime Museum Archive and to offer advice and research to any organizations with nautical interests.

(5)               To offer, where possible, assistance with appropriate enquiries that are received from the general public and outside bodies. 

3         COUNCIL

The Society shall be managed by a committee (the Council) who are appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society and consist of up to ten members comprising Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and such others as Council considers necessary. 


In order to carry out the Society’s aims, Council has the power to:

(1)             Raise funds including by way of an annual subscription, receive grants and donations and effectively use same to carry out the work of the Society.

(2)             Co-operate with and support other societies with similar purposes.

(3)             Do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve the aims. 

5          MEMBERSHIP

The Society shall have a membership. All who support the work of the Society and are aged 18 or over can apply to the Secretary to become a member. An accurate, up-to-date membership list will be maintained. The Council may remove a person’s membership if they believe it is in the best interests of the Society.  That member has the right to be heard by the Council before the decision is made and can be accompanied by a friend. 


(1)               The AGM shall be held annually, with at least one month’s notice given to members. Minutes must be kept of the AGM.

(2)               There must be at least ten members present at the AGM.

(3)               Every member has one vote. All decisions require a simple majority. 

(4)               The Council shall present the annual report and verified accounts.

(5)               Any member may stand for election to Council by written application to the Secretary no later than fourteen days prior to the AGM, provided that the nominee has signified his or her readiness to serve. If the number of nominees exceeds the number of vacancies, a ballot of members present will be arranged.

(6)               Members biennially will elect a Vice-Chair who will serve for one year and subsequently become Chair of Council for a further two years followed by one year as Vice-Chair.

(7)               Members shall then elect up to eight further members to Council to serve for the next year. They will retire at the next AGM but may stand for re-election.

(8)               Any proposed change to the annual subscription for the ensuing year shall be agreed upon at the Annual General Meeting of the Society.

(9)               At all Annual or Special General Meetings of the Society, or of the Council, in the absence of the Chair, by prior arrangement, the Chair shall be taken by the Vice-Chair, or in their absence, by another member of the Council, by agreement of the members present. 


(1)               Council shall hold at least four formal meetings per year. At their first meeting after the AGM they will elect a treasurer and secretary and remaining officers. Council will act by majority decision. In the event of a tie the Chair will have a second, casting vote.

(2)               At least 50% (rounded up) of members must be present at a meeting to be able to take decisions. Minutes shall be kept for every such meeting.

(3)               The Financial Year of the Society shall run from 1st April to 31st March. Subscriptions are due on 1st April and must be paid no later than 1st June. The Treasurer shall report at the next scheduled Council Meeting the names of any members whose subscriptions have lapsed. The Council shall have the power to set the appropriate rate for any special publications of the Society. If members have a conflict of interest, they must declare it and leave the meeting while this matter is being discussed or decided.

(4)               During the year, Council may appoint additional co-opted members (within the maximum of ten), who will carry full voting rights. They will stand down at the next AGM. The Council may appoint ad-hoc subcommittees as required. These shall report their findings to the next convenient Council Meeting and shall cease to function as soon as the assignment is completed.

(5)               Council may select and appoint members to the positions of Honorary Member, either short term or permanent, and as President or Vice President as appropriate. When the President or Vice President attends Council they do not have voting rights.

(6)               Council may make reasonable additional rules to help run the Society. These rules must not conflict with this constitution or the law. 


(1)               Money and property must only be used for the Society’s purposes, subject to Council approval.

(2)               Accurate accounts must be kept. The most recent annual accounts can be seen by Society members at the AGM or on request.

(3)               Council members cannot receive any money or property from the Society, except to cover the cost of reasonable out of pocket expenses.

(4)               Money must be held in the Society’s bank accounts. All bank security requirements must be observed. 


If the Council considers it necessary to change the Constitution, other than at an Annual General Meeting, or wind up the Society, they must call a Special General Meeting so that the membership can approve the action. Council must also call a Special General Meeting if they receive a written request from at least forty paid up members. Members must be given at least 14 days’ notice and be told the reason for the meeting. All decisions require a two thirds majority. Minutes must be kept.

(1)           Winding up – any money or property remaining after payment of debts must be given to an appropriate organization or organizations, as voted by members present at the winding up Special General Meeting.

(2)           Changes to the Constitution – can be made at Annual General Meetings or Special General Meetings

(3)           Council may also call a Special General Meeting to consult the membership on other matters. 
