LNRS Talks Resume at The Athenaeum
Members are reminded that our programme of monthly talks resumes at The Athenaeum, Church Alley, Liverpool, on Thursday 16 September, with ‘Alfred Holt and the Ocean Steamship Company‘ by Tony Melling, which will chart the life and career of Liverpool engineer and shipowner Alfred Holt who, with his brother, created one of the most successful shipping lines in Britain. Doors open at midday and the talk starts at 12.30pm. Refreshments will be available from 12.00pm.
Full details can be found here. LNRS members don’t need to make special arrangements to attend – just turn up on the day – but please tell us in advance if you’d like to bring a guest.
It is intended that a video recording of the talk will be published on the website approximately a week after the event.
If you have any questions about the programme, or any other aspect of the LNRS, please contact us through the website or by email to: contactlnrs@gmail.com.