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Scott Lindgren
The Athenaeum, Liverpool.
Thursday 20 February 2025

Digital-Only Subscriptions

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Digital-Only Subscriptions

At the Annual General Meeting of the Society held in May, it was agreed that membership subscriptions would be increased with effect from April 2020.  It was also agreed that discounted rates would be available to members who choose to receive the quarterly Bulletin in digital format only, to reflect the reduced costs of printing and postage.  From April 2020, the new digital-only subscription rates will be:

Ordinary membership, single    £15
Ordinary membership, couple   £20
Overseas membership                   £15

Full details of current and future rates can be found here.  Information about changes to standing orders and other payment methods will be published later in the year.

The new digital-only rates are the same as the current subscription rates (slightly less for overseas members) and will effectively offset next year’s increase for those who wish to take advantage of them.  This will be an entirely voluntary ‘opt-out’ scheme, so members who would prefer to continue receiving the printed edition of The Bulletin as well as the digital edition need take no action other than amending their payment amount when requested.

Members who would like to opt for a digital-only Bulletin can do so at renewal time in March 2020.  Anyone who would like to change to the digital-only edition sooner can do so by notifying us at any time, although the discounted rates will not take effect until April 2020.

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