Our Next Event:
The Jutland Controversy
Scott Lindgren
The Athenaeum, Liverpool.
Thursday 20 February 2025

*UPDATED* Changes to the Main Menu

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We have made some small but important changes to the Main Menu at the top of every page, to help you find your way around the website more easily.

Remember that if you access the website from a tablet or mobile phone, the Main Menu will be ‘hidden’ behind a small square icon (three horizontal lines) at top right of the screen.  Touch this to display the menu items as a vertical list.

There is a new item ‘Videos‘ on the main menu.  This will allow you to watch recordings of the monthly talks and Oral History Project interviews, but only after you have logged into the site.  Click on the menu item for full details.

To see all the changes, login to the website as usual from the ‘Login‘ menu item at top right.  The item will change to read ‘Logout‘ until you decide to leave.  Click on this to log out of the site.

The following new/changed options are only available whenever you are logged in:

1.     Hover your mouse over ‘Video’ on the main menu to reveal links to the recordings of Monthly Talks and the Oral History Project.

2.     A link to ‘Your Account‘ appears as a dropdown from the ‘Membership’ item.  You can use this to change your password if required, and to check basic details about your account.

3.     Links to the LNRS Constitution and records of Annual General Meetings appear as dropdowns from the ‘About Us’ item.

Please also note that the Members’ Discussion Forum has been suspended, pending a review.  We would like to hear you views about the future of this facility.

If you have any questions or comments about these changes, or anything else to do with the website, please use the Contact page or email to: contactlnrs@gmail.com.

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