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Scott Lindgren
The Athenaeum, Liverpool.
Thursday 20 February 2025

“As I Recall…”: The LNRS Oral History Project Has Arrived!

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“As I Recall…” :  The Liverpool Nautical Research Society Oral History Project 

We are delighted to announce the arrival of “As I Recall…”, the Liverpool Nautical Research Society Oral History Project.  The aim of the Oral History Project is to record the personal experiences of Society members and others, many of whom have been involved in the maritime life of the nation, in its widest sense, since around the middle of the twentieth century.  The Project will comprise a series of interviews in which the interviewee recounts some aspect of their life or work.  Wherever possible, the interviews will be conducted face-to-face, but they can also be carried out remotely where this is impracticable.

The interviews will initially be available to members exclusively on our website, where they will be presented in a video format which includes supporting images.  The original audio-only recordings will ultimately become part of the audio archives of the Merseyside Maritime Museum.

Our first interviewee is long-standing LNRS member and current Vice-Chairman, Willie Williamson, who is talking to Tony Melling about his early years at sea as a Radio Officer with the Marconi Company.  Willie’s interview, in which he recounts his first trip to sea, and a fascinating encounter with a ‘sea monster’, is available in the members’ area of the website now.

We already have a variety of interviews planned, but are also keen to hear from any member who would like to participate.  If you are interested, please contact us through the website or by email to: contactlnrs@gmail.com.

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